






The DVD player is there, the wire is there, the power is there. Everything is there. What is missing in this? The DVD player is the mind, it is there. Then the DVD, whatever it contains, is shown on the television. So the teachings that will be given to you would become your realization. Now as I'm giving the teaching if you listen very carefully, and there is a sadhana [spiritual practice] which should upload it into the DVD player.





If it is done correctly when you put on the switch it's all over.  Maybe today itself, you can become awakened. Today itself, in this very hall you can become awakened.





People are becoming awakened everyday now. Are you ready to be enlightened today itself?  So therefore you will listen very carefully to the DVD of the teaching. So you are getting it into the DVD now and then you go on to uploading.





The first teaching: Your thoughts are not your thoughts.  The second teaching: Your mind is not your mind. The third: Your body is not your body; and the fourth: Your self is only a concept.  We will go to the fifth later.





If you listen and understand correctly, then we will be able to upload the DVD. Otherwise, no. Please remember that your thoughts have evolved over millennia, for thousands of years your thoughts have evolved. They are not your thoughts. They are very, very complex and they have evolved over millennia.





Whatever thought you have got now, it has been there with your ancestors and their ancestors. No single thought is new. Your brain is only a reprocessing machine. For example, it takes an idea and goes on reprocessing it.  It takes many ideas and keeps reprocessing them, different permutations, different combinations.





The brain itself does not create anything new. It picks up and does the reprocessing. These are very, very old. All thoughts, even so called modern thought is very, very old. It is just being recycled by your brain.





Now if you look at medieval man, his thoughts too are similar. If you look at ancient man, his thoughts too are similar. Your thoughts are just there, like in the thought sphere.





It comes in by what we call the ajna chakra [third eye] and goes out through what we call the bindu [back of the head].  That's all. Receiving and transmitting. Receiving, processing and transmitting.  That is what is going on.





It's the same atmosphere. It has been recycled for millennia. All the animals, they share the same atmosphere. The plants share. So you take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. So it goes from your mouth to somebody. He picks up that air. It goes to some ants, an elephant, and it comes out of an elephant then it goes to a plant.





So the whole thing is being recycled-the atmosphere. Similarly, there is a thought sphere. Thoughts are continuously being recycled. The reprocessing machine is the human brain.  We are actually a collective organism.





Your thoughts are not, therefore, your thoughts. I'll come back to it later. You mind. Your mind is not your mind at all. This mind also is very, very ancient and there is only one mind.





Every mind at its center has fear. The core of every mind is fear. Whoever you are-you may be the bravest man on the planet or the worst coward-but still there is fear at the center of the mind. There is no change at all.





All minds move from the past through the present into the future, all minds. All minds are trying to become. Everybody's mind is trying to become.  Every mind has comparison, has jealousy, envy, anger, and lust. Everything is there in everybody's mind.





So there is only one mind. It's not that you have a different mind or somebody else has got a different mind. You cannot say this is my TB or her TB or his TB.  It is TB, tuberculosis, that's all.  Similarly, the mind is a disease. Everybody is diseased with the mind and it's the same thing.





It's not different at all, and ancient man also had the same mind. He had the same mind. There is no change with regard to the mind. It is the same.





Some sounds come out. He will not try to get out of that.  Any sense, like smell, any sense, it comes and goes, it comes and goes. He is just experiencing. Nothing is his.  He does not identify.





If he says, "These are my thoughts", then we say it is called aham-ākhyam, false identification. Why? Because of prajnaparadha, failure of intelligence. Now, with intelligence awakened he will see he is not that. It is just there, that's all.


假若他說:『這些是我的念頭。』那麼我們會說這叫做aham-ākhyam,也就是錯誤的 定義。為什麼呢?因為這是沒有智慧。現在,擁有覺醒的智慧,他將會看到他沒有那些思想,那些思想就只是在那兒,這就是一切。



Now how is he going to see his mind?  Let us say he has a business mind.  His mind will continue to do business the way he is doing business. But now he will see that the mind is doing business. Not that he is doing business. He'll watch his own mind doing business. The only thing is it'll do business much more efficiently now than before.





Because when you identify, you mess up things. When you don't identify it's a beautiful machine, the mind works on its own. It's naturally doing business. So he will see his own mind functioning.





In his speech, he'll be talking. He will see his mouth is moving, sounds are coming. It's all being controlled by the mind. But he is not the mind. He will see speech is automatically happening, without his getting involved in any way. It's a real marvel. It's so beautifully happening and he will see it happening.





In body movements, let us say he has to repair his car or repair a machine. Whatever mechanical things he does or whatever he can do, the body does it; let's say playing tennis, everything-very, very beautifully. He will not feel that he is doing things. Everything is happening automatically. The body is functioning.





So you see thoughts are going automatically, mind is functioning automatically, speech is happening automatically. All the systems are happening automatically.  The body is functioning automatically. In fact, everything is automatic.





Now for example you may wonder about this. You might be saying, "I decided to move my hand". But today science is so evolved that we can watch the brain in real time and moments before you have moved your hand, the brain has decided to move your hand and just before you move, it gives the illusion that you have decided to move the hand. Actually, you have no role at all because you are not there.





The truth is you are not there. Your thinking that you are there is an illusion. Thinking is happening. There is no thinker who is thinking. It's an illusion. There is no thinker called Deepak who is thinking. There is only thinking. Just like if you draw a circle a center comes into existence. Thinking creates the illusion of a thinker.





There is nobody there. Just thinking is going on. So everything is automatic. That is the whole beauty of life. So that becomes the fifth teaching, all things are automatic.





So once again, your thoughts are not your thoughts, your mind is not your mind, your body is not your body, your self is only a concept. That is, you don't really exist.  All things are automatic.





That is how an awakened being, an enlightened being sees. All things are automatic.  He is just merely witnessing and experiencing, that's all. He does not identify.





The fifth teaching: let us take Deepak again, as an example; he's unawakened, unenlightened, he's standing on some big road. Then there goes a bus and he says, "that bus is a red bus", he gives commentary.





Then goes Miss World.  He sees Miss World and Miss World has gone away. Two hours since Miss World went away, still Deepak is thinking of Miss World. "Shall I follow her?"  "Shall I stop her vehicle?"  "Shall I find where she is?"  He is following her in his thoughts.





Let us say Deepak is awakened. It's the same road where Miss World is going. He sees Miss World. There is a moment of excitement and Miss World moves away, and that's all.  It is forgotten. Next, there is a donkey-equal attention to the donkey. The donkey passes by. Next comes a camel-same attention. Then comes a leopard-the same attention.





He did not follow them in thought because he has stopped naming them. He will not call her Miss World or donkey. Miss World or donkeys are the same. It's an experience of Miss World or another experience, a donkey-equally nice the experience will be, that's all. That's the whole beauty about it, experience or to experience. No identification, no follow through-particularly that.  It's all over.





So we will quickly realize, your thoughts are not your thoughts, your mind is not your mind, your body is not your body, all things are automatic. Everything is automatic.





Just like breathing is automatic. Body temperature is automatic. Digestive system is automatic. Circulation is automatic. Thinking is automatic. Speech is automatic. Body actions are automatic.  It's the same thing except that you have an illusion.





Your self is a concept. That's the fourth teaching. That is you don't exist there at all. The fifth is all things are automatic. The next thing is you must have passion to become awakened.  Do you have the passion to become awakened?  How many of you want to become awakened?  That's very good.





What you must realize is all of you are in jail. That you must understand very clearly. What is the jail called? The mind.  You are in a jail called the mind. Why? Because you cannot experience anything. Just like a man in jail. Can he experience the outside world? Nothing. He can't experience. He can't breathe the fresh air outside, he can't see the light outside. Nothing. That is your condition.





For example, you cannot experience a glass of water. You are thinking. The moment you start drinking you say, "I'm thirsty" or you say, "this is mineral water", or a "Coca-Cola", or whatever. Some remark you'll pass on that.





Or, you'll think of the cricket commentary and what's happening at the IPL match, or what happened at the office. Something will go on. Your mind will not allow you to experience that glass of water.  Let's say your morning break with your chapattis, bread or whatever you eat, you're not enjoying it. You can't experience it because the mind will not allow you.





You look at your wife's face. You can't experience your wife. All the images come rushing in.  The thoughts come in. The mind comes in. She's already old. Probably she's old because thoughts have come in, that freshness has gone. The experience is gone. You cannot experience your wife, you get soon bored, you start looking at other women or this or that, and visa versa, the same thing.





You can't look at your own children, except through the mind. You can't see the beauty of your children. Everything is destroyed. When you go to the roads, such lovely people are going. People are so beautiful, trees, cars-nothing you can experience. The mind will not allow you.  So there is nothing you can actually experience because of your mind.





Once upon a time you could experience, when you were little children. You've lost it. Now it's gone. You're prisoners of the mind, and the mind I told you, is nothing but the past. The mind is a flow of thought. Thought is of yesterday. It is a memory, it is death.  It has no life, it has no living quality.





Life is something just living. It is the presence. It is the present. Thought cannot touch it. Thought is measurement. It measures things. The presence or the present is immeasurable. It cannot be measured. Thought can nowhere go near it, and therefore you are missing that in your life.





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